December 8, 2021
American Legion Post 184
Member Coordinator Harry Weimar
Marketing & PR
Wildwood Marketing Co
Wildwood American Legion looks to Revitalize Post 184 With December Events
From Christmas parties to community toy drives, American Legion Post 184 wants members and the community to know they’re back in the swing of things after a long delay with organizational changes and the pandemic.
On December 17th, Post 184 will bring back their annual Christmas party. On the 18th, the Kids Christmas Party for members will start at 12 PM, followed by the community Christmas party at 2 PM.
“We have not had a Christmas party in quite some time,” said Commander Norman Marlin Jr. “Thanks to a group of volunteers we are going to have a great party this year and we are very excited.”
The Post Christmas party is for members of Post 184 and their guests. The party will feature dancing and music from a DJ, a range of catered and donated food, door prizes, and a gift for members, all for no cost. The party begins just after the 7 PM Post Meeting, which will be kept short to get to the festivities.
“This is a turning point for the Post. We are at a time where we need our members to come home. We want to have a booming Post once again and we want members to see what we are doing,” said Marlin.
This year again the Post will host Turkeys & Toys. At Thanksgiving the Post gave away 15 turkeys to needy families, and at Christmas the Post will giveaway toys as well as provide a Santa luncheon for 60 kids and their parents. This is just one event of many that has benefited the community.
With all organizations, member retention is tricky. But Past Commander and new Member Coordinator Harry Weimar plans to take on the task. In his new position Weimar will conduct Buddy Checks, invite members to events, and handle outreach to possible new members. Post 184 plans to attend many events in 2022 with a display booth to drive membership and donations.
“My goal as the Member Coordinator is to reach out to inactive members that have left the post, and to reach new members who are looking for a post, to tell them about all the great things Post 184 is doing,” said Weimar. “We have had a decline over the years and now that the Post is on it’s way to good things we want everyone to come back.”
The American Legion is an organization over 100 years old, with Post 184 standing for over 80 years. Over one million dollars has been put back into the community from the Post over the years, and that number continues to grow. With the new efforts, Commander Norman Marlin, officers, and active members hopes the Post can succeed in 2022
May 21, 2021
Post 184 Looks Forward to 2021, Fundraising Initiatives Announced
The Wildwood veterans look forward to raising funds for their building repair, including participating in Fox Park’s Sunday Night Concert Series with VVA Chapter 955
WILDWOOD, NJ- After a tough year of missed fundraising during the pandemic, veterans at American Legion Post 184 look forward to their 2021 events. On the schedule, a 5K, benefit dinner, indoor yard sale, member days, and volunteering to watch the gates at Fox Park for the Sunday Night Concert Series.
Over the past few years, Post 184 has focused on their building repair for fundraising. The building at 4200 Atlantic Ave is over 80 years old, and is in need of many upgrades. Thanks to donations, the roof was repaired, hall and canteen painted, new light fixtures were added in the building, the canteen’s ladies room was upgraded, and many other small improvements were made. Still to go are large repairs, such as equipment and floor replacements.
The Canteen provides a place for veterans to find camaraderie among friends and relax. Studies have shown how beneficial Canteens and member events at the Legion can be to a veterans mental health and wellbeing.
Fundraising will be completed mainly through events. This year, Post 184 will continue their successful indoor yard sale, planned for July. Vendor spaces are $10 per table and a raffle adds even more donations. Newly added member days will encourage inactive members to come out and new members to join. High price tag items scheduled to be raffled off will bring in donations to the building fund. Another new event for 2021 is the Running for Vets 5K, tentatively scheduled for Sunday, September 12th. More details will follow once the event is approved and pandemic protocols allow the event to take place.
Another exciting fundraising opportunity is the continuation of fundraising at Fox Park during the Sunday Night Concert Series. For years the veterans of American Legion Post 184 and Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 955 have volunteered each Sunday to man the gates and collect donations. Funds from the events go towards the maintenance of the Wildwood Vietnam Memorial Wall, which the organizations are responsible for, and towards the Post 184 building repair.
“We are so thankful that Mayor Byron and Commissioner Fitzsimmons and Mikulski wanted to continue this tradition,” said incoming Commander Norman Marlin. “We have been fundraising at the park for years. It gives us an opportunity to get together on Sundays to help keep Fox Park organized. We love seeing our fellow veterans and members of the community come together.”
For information on all event opportunities, please stay connected to legion184.org and facebook.com/legion184. More information will be provided soon.
December 8, 2020
Post 184 To Donate Toys to 50 Children, Thanks Community for Support
After placing toys on an Amazon Wish List, the local community quickly chipped in and donated to Post 184’s Christmas initiative.
WILDWOOD, NJ-American Legion Post 184 in Wildwood is proud to announce they have reached the goal of finding 50 children in need of Christmas toys this holiday. At the end of November, the Post put an application on Google Forms asking local families in need to register for a toy. Each parent was asked on the application to list a toy for their child and those toys were placed on an Amazon Wish List made public for anyone to purchase a toy. Almost immediately the list was fully purchased and toys continued to be added. At the time of this release only few toys remain, and wrapping paper had been donated as well.
In addition to the toys, each child will receive a card from Santa explaining his early delivery of toys for the veterans to distribute due to the pandemic. The Post will use the opportunity to have “Santa” educate children about veterans through the short, festive, card.
On the toy application, Post 184 also asked families to list their other needs-most commonly winter clothing, diapers, food, and Christmas dinner. Winter clothing is now being collected for families and information is available at facebook.com/legion184
Following the Thanksgiving initiative, the Post will also distribute Christmas Dinner supplies to a handful of families that requested meals, including hams, sides and pies all donated by the community.
Thanks to a new partnership between Post 184 and the Lazarus House Food Pantry, details soon to be announced, families requesting food were referred to the Pantry and were extremely grateful to learn of the local resource.
“I am very surprised how easily this took off,” said Commander Harry Weimar. “The Legion is very thankful for the community at this time. We are happy to organize this event and I want to thank all the donors and volunteers for helping us make a good Christmas for kids.”
Toy pickup was created to be “pandemic friendly”, with recipients asked to drive down Roberts Avenue, park, and remain in their cars. Santa will be on site to visit each car at a distance of 6 feet with all parties wearing masks.
“This won’t be the last time we do this, I see this becoming a yearly tradition,” said Weimar.
American Legion Post 184 has been a fixture of the community for decades. Many projects throughout town have been supported by the Legion, both veteran and community focused. For the Post’s centennial anniversary in 2021, Post 184 plans to expand their support of community efforts for all in addition to fundraising for their building repairs.
November 23, 2020
Community Christmas Toy Giveaway Planned By Post 184, Application Now Available
Families are asked to register their kids for free toys donated by the community through American Legion Post 184
WILDWOOD, NJ-After a successful giveaway of turkeys for Thanksgiving, American Legion Post 184 is looking towards Christmas with another charitable endeavor. Post 184 will provide families one toy per child, wrapped with a personalized card signed by Santa (if age appropriate). Applications for toys will be accepted from November 23rd until December 7th. There is limited space for this giveaway and families are asked to apply immediately following the instructions below.
To help make this initiative possible, the Post will be setting up an Amazon wish list based on responses from families. Legionnaires, community members or any donor nationwide will be able to purchase a gift that will be shipped straight to Post 184. The wish list will be made public on December 1st at legion184.org and updated continuously as families are confirmed.
“As we were giving away turkeys and talking to families we found an even bigger need is for Christmas,” said Commander Harry Weimar. “We usually do a Christmas party called Kids Christmas for the families of our members and a few community families as needed. This year we planned to expand the party, but with COVID it’s been cancelled. We are happy to still be able to give out gifts thanks to the efforts of our members and community partners.”
Families in need are asked to visit legion184.org/events and follow the link for application. All toys are first come, first serve and recipients are asked to only apply if they cannot receive another similar donation from another organization. Pickup date and time will be provided in reply through email.
Any applicant in need of other items including food and clothing is asked to include details in the application.
American Legion Post 184 has been a fixture of the community for decades. Many projects throughout town have been supported by the Legion, both veteran and community focused. For the Post’s centennial anniversary in 2021, Post 184 plans to expand their support of community efforts for all in addition to fundraising for their building repairs.
November 16, 2020
Post 184 to Donate 25 Full Thanksgiving Dinners, Families Asked to Apply
American Legion Post 184 in Wildwood is asking for individuals and families in need to contact them for a full thanksgiving dinner
WILDWOOD, NJ-Twenty five local families in need will have the opportunity to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner courtesy of Wildwood's American Legion Post 184 this season. The legion will donate a 10-12 lb frozen turkey, pre-made mashed potatoes, stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, corn, and a pumpkin pie to qualifying applicants. The donation effort is made possible by community members and supported by the City of Wildwood Commissioners who will recommend families in addition to open registration.
“We are proud to return to our community projects and thankful we had so many donors for this event,” said Commander Harry Weimar. “This is a rough year for a lot of people and Post 184 is here to help during the holidays.”
Families and individuals in need are asked to email contact@legion184.org and request a thanksgiving donation. Name, phone number, local address, and household size will be required. Recipients are required to be located in Wildwood, Middle or Lower Townships, with Wildwood residents provided first priority. All donations are first come, first serve and recipients are asked to only apply if they have not received another similar donation from another organization. Pickup date and time will be provided in reply through email.
American Legion Post 184 has been a fixture of the community for decades. Many projects throughout town have been supported by the Legion, both veteran and community focused. For the Post’s centennial anniversary in 2021, Post 184 plans to expand their support of community efforts for all in addition to fundraising for their building repairs.
June 30, 2020
"Celebrate Our Independence Barbecue" This Weekend at Post 184
The barbecue will take place on the lawn of Post 184 from 3 PM-7 PM
WILDWOOD, NJ-Grab some red, white, and blue outfits and head over to the Celebrate Our Independence Barbecue at American Legion Post 184 this weekend. On July 4th from 3 PM-7 PM, veterans at Post 184 will host a fundraising event on the lawn.
The event is open to the public and encourages people to come out and enjoy the holiday with family and friends while practicing social distancing. For a minimum donation of $8, guests can enjoy burgers, hot dogs, assorted salads, soft drinks and dessert while listening to local duo Brian and Mindy.
Guests are encouraged to RSVP online to ensure the proper amount of food is ordered: legion184.org/events
The barbecue is a general fundraiser for Post 184 to help restart the organization. Like most organizations and businesses, the pandemic greatly affected Post 184.
Patriotic tee shirts will also be available and will benefit the building fund. Repairs have been a large focus for fundraising over the past year and will continue to be the primary push for 2020 events. Tee shirts include “Land of the Free because of the Brave”, “Freedom Isn’t Free”, and “Proud to be an American” and can be viewed online
For more information on events and to stay up to date with Post 184 activities, visit legion184.org and follow on Facebook @legion184. RSVP to this event online at legion184.org/events
May 12, 2020
Update: Sunday's parade route has changed be on select streets, traveling North to South only. For this reason, our scheduled house decorating contest has been cancelled. We hope to host this event in 2021 with plans to visit each home in person for judging.
Post 184 Releases Memorial Day Weekend Information, Resources for Children
American Legion Post 184 in Wildwood, NJ wants to make sure children know the true meaning of the weekend by offering a house decorating contest and educational resources
WILDWOOD, NJ- Memorial Day weekend is fast approaching which means another year of annual events from American Legion Post 184. Traditionally, the Post organizes a parade on Atlantic Avenue to honor the fallen. This year, the parade will be looped through town led by Wildwood’s Police and Fire departments. A new addition to the event will be a house decorating contest with $100 prize, and a focus on education for children.
The annual parade will begin at 6 PM and will pass by every home in Wildwood. The community is encouraged to watch outfront of their homes only, while practicing social distancing. While the parade goes by, Post 184 suggests taking a moment of silence to remember the fallen.
In an effort to provide a fun activity for families and educate children, a house decorating contest has been created. Houses that register online and display a patriotic scene or a scene remembering the fallen will be considered to win a $100 Visa gift card. Post 184 hopes parents will teach children about the true meaning of Memorial Day while creating a fun display the whole family can enjoy.
To further this goal, educational tools including coloring pages and worksheets for kids will be available on Post 184’s website on May 15th. The goal of the resources will be to educate children around Memorial Day Weekend. Resources include American Flag coloring pages, “What Patriotism Means To Me” writing sheets, stories from veterans, and more. Post 184 decided these resources would be a great addition to the education children are already receiving at home while providing a creative opportunity.
Parents are encouraged to submit finished worksheets to be featured on Post 184’s website and social media. Each child will receive a personal thank you letter from a veteran along with an American Flag. Families do not have to reside in Wildwood to participate with this program, more information available on the Post 184 website.
“The true meaning of Memorial Day is commonly forgotten,” said Commander of Post 184 Harry Weimar. “We hope these learning opportunities and the parade experience will make everyone remember ‘freedom isn’t free’, especially the next generation.”
The annual Memorial Day ceremony will continue to take place on Monday, May 25th at 11 AM, however no audience is permitted. The ceremony will be live streamed through Facebook on Post 184 and Wildwood365 pages. Invited speakers, Post 184 organizers, and the media will be the only people permitted at the Post.
All details available at legion184.org/memorialday
January 31, 2020
Legion Riders of Post 184 to Host Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
The $10 event will raise funds for building repairs
WILDWOOD, NJ-The Legion Riders of Post 184 will be hosting their annual Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, March 7th. The event this year will raise funds to be donated to Post 184’s building repair fund. This initiative has been a focus of the American Legion since last year, and will continue through all 2020 events of the Post and other Legion organizations like the Riders.
The Spaghetti Dinner takes place from 4 PM-7 PM inside the hall at 4200 Atlantic Avenue. Tickets are $10 and include spaghetti, meatballs, sausage, salad, bread, and soft beverages. Donations are being solicited and accepted for all products to help offset the costs and increase the donation made towards the building repair fund.
Post 184 is an 80 year old building that is in need of many costly repairs. While the building is still safe for use, repairs to ensure it’s longevity will need to be made. This spring, Post 184 will announce fundraising initiatives and sponsorship opportunities to help with their renovations.
The Legion Riders have had much success in the past with their spaghetti dinners, and this event will be no different. The event is open to the public and takeout is available all evening. Tickets are available from select members, at the Canteen, and at the door on the day of the event.
For more information on events and to stay up to date with Post 184 activities, visit legion184.org and follow on Facebook @legion184
January 6, 2020
Post 184 Bingo to Return Wednesday, Kitchen To Stay Open for 2020
Bingo is back at Post 184 every Wednesday starting January 8th
WILDWOOD, NJ-For over 50 years bingo has been played at American Legion Post 184 and 2020 will be no different. January 8th kicks off the first bingo game of the season with doors opening at 5:30 PM. Entry costs just $2 and boards vary from $1-$5 each. This year bingo will be held throughout the entire year, with a few closures for holidays only.
Last June, Post 184 re-opened the kitchen for Wednesday’s bingo games. The kitchen served different meals each week with multiple combination platters available and freshly baked desserts. Players were happy to see the kitchen return, and Post 184 is expecting it to be a big hit in 2020. Over $4,000 was made in 2019, with those funds going directly to the building fund. The fund is responsible for costly repairs needed to Post 184 and has been a focus of fundraising since last year. In 2020, Post 184 has set a goal to reach $10,000 in proceeds from the kitchen to again benefit the building fund.
Weekly menus for the kitchen along with notices of closures or themed events can be found on Post 184’s website legion184.org or the Facebook page @legion184
January 3, 2020
Post 184 Raises $10,000 For Building Fund in 2019 From Events, Fundraisers
The American Legion in Wildwood is happy to announce a successful 2019
WILDWOOD, NJ-American Legion Post 184 is ringing in the new year announcing their success of new events and fundraisers held in 2019. The Post raised over $10,000 from initiatives that started in June 2019 and is looking forward to continuing the efforts in 2020. Although $10,000 is just a small portion of funds needed for building repairs, every little bit helps. Post 184 is housed in a building over 80 years old. Through the years the Post has taken a beating, and simple repair jobs are no longer enough. The building needs numerous repairs that will total over $100,000. Although the building is in a safe, working condition, repairs need to be made to prevent future issues.
In 2019, Post 184 held new events to act as fundraisers and provide entertainment to the Wildwood community. Comedy Nights were hosted every other Thursday and featured regional comedians. A Wildwood Summer Benefit Dinner was held in July and brought in close to $5,000 in donations. In September, the Legion Riders hosted their first ever Pig Roast on the lawn during Bike Week, and donated their proceeds to the building fund as well. Last month the Post kicked off their annual Christmas Cash 50/50 with a ticket increase from $1 to $5 or five tickets for $20. This change in ticket price earned the Post a few hundred dollars over last year’s revenue, totalling about $1,700 in funds.
Thanks to the constant use of press releases and the generous local publications for writing editorials, Post 184 received donations from around the area directed towards the building fund. This included a $1,000 donation from each American Legion Post 1597 and the Sons of the American Legion Post 1597 in Crontonville (Ossining), New York. The checks were presented by Rich Garrett to Sr Vice Commander Donnie McNeill during the summer.
“We are proud of the work done at Post 184 in 2019 and have specific people to thank for that,” said Commander Harry Weimar. “We will continue working as a team in 2020 with events and fundraisers. Post 184 is still very far away from our needs for our building, but we are getting there.”
For 2020, Post 184 plans on hosting a benefit dinner, a hoagie sale, dance parties, monthly raffles in the Canteen, and other themed summertime events. Fundraising initiatives will be announced in April. Also in 2020, Post 184 will host a membership drive to attract new, active members. More information on Post 184 can be found online at legion184.org
November 20, 2019
Indoor Yard Sale, Bake Sale To Be Hosted on Dec 7 at Post 184
The American Legion will host a yard sale and bake sale inside the hall at Post 184 on Saturday, December 7th
WILDWOOD, NJ-American Legion Post 184 will be hosting an indoor yard sale and bake sale on Saturday, December 7th from 9 AM to 2 PM to raise funds for building repairs. The ongoing fundraising for the building has been the focus of Post 184 since summer, and efforts will continue through 2020. The yard sale and bake sale is open to the public for shopping as well as selling. Tables are $10 each and registration is only available online.
Featured at the yard sale will be household items, holiday decor, clothing, accessories, and more. The community may donate baked goods directly to Post 184 for sale by volunteers. No other food is permitted to be sold. Post 184 hopes this event will add to the busy weekend of attractions in town
To register or for a full list of rules, please visit legion184.org
November 13, 2019
Annual 50/50 Fundraiser Kicks Off At Post 184
Christmas Cash returns again with winners pulled on Dec 13th at 8 PM
WILDWOOD, NJ-Christmas Cash is here again from Post 184 and members are actively selling raffle tickets through the community. The 50/50 will raise much needed funds for building repairs and also benefit Post 184’s charitable programs. This year Post 184 decided to increase ticket prices to align with similar 50/50 raffles in the areas. Each ticket is a $5 or five tickets are available for the reduced price of $20.
Last year with tickets being only $1, the winners split $1,500. This year the goal is to split at least $3,000. The first place winner will receive 25% of ticket revenue with the second place winner receiving 15% and the third place winner receiving 10%. The drawing will take place on December 13th at 8 PM at Post 184, winners will be notified by phone.
Tickets are available from select members or at the Canteen at Post 184; 4200 Atlantic Avenue. The raffle is open to the public. All entrants must be 18 or older to enter. If you or someone in your family has a gambling problem call 1-800-GAMBLER. All details are available at legion184.org
October 17, 2019
Halloween Bingo Coming to American Legion Post 184
Wednesday October 30th, Post 184 will host a Halloween themed Bingo with prizes
WILDWOOD, NJ-Getting into the spirit of Halloween, American Legion Post 184 will host a Halloween themed bingo on Wednesday, October 30th. The Legion will transform the hall with themed decorations and offer free cupcakes, candy and punch along with many prizes. All guests are welcome and encouraged to get into the spirit by wearing sweaters, accessories, full costumes and more. Players will be able to compete for best costume, best outfit, and best group. Masks are permitted for judging but are not permitted during game play. Admission is $2 and board prices vary.
Prizes for the special event include a $50 Wawa gift card for each apparel category, five door prizes from the community selected by drawing, Halloween themed daubers for the first five players, and more. Judging of costumes will take place at 7:30 PM after admission and board sales. All participants in the costume contest must be admitted bingo players.
In addition to the free goodies and prizes, the kitchen will be open with entrees, snacks, and beverages for purchase. Halloween daubers will be available to purchase at the event.
“We are excited to offer yet another fun event at Post 184,” said Post Commander Harry Weimar. “Please come out and enjoy and consider returning for bingo in the future.”
Post 184 encourages the community to come out for this special event, and hopes it will lead to long term bingo players. Each week Bingo takes place at 7:30 PM on Wednesdays and features a progressive jackpot.
All details are available at legion184.org
September 30, 2019
Veterans And Community Work Together To Donate Motorcycle to Local Iraq Veteran
Post 184 veteran Mike Kelly worked alongside Carol Jacoby to provide a 2005 Harley Sportster 1200 to Cape May County, two-tour Iraq veteran Ed Ross.
WILDWOOD, NJ- Post 184 is proud to honor member Michael Kelly for his recent charitable service to the community. Mike Kelly is a Navy veteran of the Vietnam War, a member of Post 184, and Jr. Vice Director of VVA Chapter 955. On September 7th, Kelly organized a donation of a 2005 Harley Sportster 1200 with only 5,500 original miles to a local, young, veteran.
The donation started with a friend of Kelly, Carol Jacoby. Jacoby had interest in giving her motorcycle away and having recently become a widow of 23 year veteran of the Marine Corps, she wished to provide the bike to another veteran. After hearing of such an amazing opportunity, Kelly worked with Jose “Ponch” Gomez, a K9 Officer with the Cape May County Sheriff's Department and a sergeant of the 253rd Trans Company based in Cape May Court House, to find the recipient for the bike. Ed Ross, also a sergeant of the 243rd Trans Company and a co-worker of Gomez, was selected for his brave service through two tours of Iraq.
Ross is from Cape May Courthouse and has been a resident of the county his entire life. As a teen, Ross enjoyed dirt bikes and has always had an interest in motorcycles. Kelly knew this veteran was the perfect recipient of Jacoby’s bike, and the group worked together to pull off the reveal.
“When Carol mentioned she wanted to give her bike away I knew I could help,” said Kelly. “Just because I did not get welcomed home as a Vietnam veteran doesn’t mean the new guys can’t get welcomed home. Ed is a great guy and he was extremely happy and surprised to receive the bike.”
In addition to the help from Gomez, Kelly received support from VVA Chapter 955 member Deatle Piro, who loaned his trailer for transportation of the bike, and Vince Somma, an area mechanic who made repairs at no cost. American Legion Post 184 and Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 955 also donated a new battery.
On September 7th just before Post 184’s Pig Roast, Kelly introduced Jacoby to Ross and then presented him with the bike. Ross was beyond grateful, and shocked the community had pulled off such a great effort. As part of the unveiling, good friends of Kelly known as “Catfish” and “EZ” of the VNV Motorcycle Club took the ride down from Pennsylvania to show support.
“Ed was grateful for what we had done,” said Kelly. “I had even checked on him about three hours after the event and he was still in shock and awe over his new bike. We all hope he enjoys it.
American Legion Post 184 appreciates Kelly’s service to the community and country, and his act of kindness will be appreciated at the next membership meeting. “Veterans helping veterans” is a leading mission with the American Legion and Kelly exemplifies the qualities of a good member.
August 30, 2019
Legion Riders Pig Roast September 7th
A new event for Legion Riders Post 184 will take place during Roar to the Shore weekend
WILDWOOD, NJ-The Legion Riders of Post 184 are proud to announce their first pig roast this weekend. On September 7th from 4 PM a freshly roast pig will be served alongside barbecue chicken, potato salad, beans, and beer. The event was created to provide an addition to the Roar to the Shore weekend traffic at Post 184.
“Our Canteen is very active during Bike Weekend,” said Director of Post 184 Legion Riders Donnie McNeill. “The pig roast will be added entertainment for our weekend guests.”
The event will be held on the patio and lawn of Post 184 at 4200 Atlantic Avenue. For entertainment, Terri Hood from Toe in the Sand will perform.
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door or $18 for Post 184 members. All tickets are available at legion184.eventbrite.com or by visiting Post 184. Advance tickets are appreciated. All guests must be 21 or over with proper ID to attend.
August 30, 2019
Gary Meikle Comedy Show Cancelled For Saturday
Scottish comedian Gary Meikle has cancelled his tour stop in Wildwood this Saturday
WILDWOOD, NJ-The previously announced comedy show from Scottish comedian Gary Meikle has been cancelled for Saturday, August 31st with no alternate date. All proceeds from the event were scheduled to fund American Legion Post 184’s building repairs.
“At this time the comedian made the decision to return home to Scotland earlier than expected for undisclosed reasons,” said Post Commander Harry Weimar. “We are disappointed the show will not happen and hope to continue raising funds for our building through other events.”
All ticket buyers will be given the option to receive a refund through Eventbrite or leave their ticket with the American Legion as a donation to Post 184’s building repair fund. Ticket buyers will be emailed over the weekend with the option. All questions regarding tickets for this event can be sent to contact@legion184.org
July 22, 2019
Post 184 Benefit Dinner Raises Over $4,000 for Building Fund
A Wildwood Summer Benefit Dinner was hosted at the Post on July 20th, thanks to the attendees and donors, the event raised $4,300 towards the building repairs needed at the Post.
WILDWOOD, NJ-American Legion Post 184 is happy to announce the success of A Wildwood Summer Benefit Dinner that took place this past Saturday. From table and ticket sales, Chinese auction and 50/50 revenue, and donations from the community, the benefit dinner raised a total of $4,300. Proceeds of the event will benefit the building fund and be used to make repairs to the Post in the fall. The revenue makes a good start to repairs, although many more funds are needed.
“The event was different than what we had done before,” said Commander Harry Weimar. “I hope the community enjoyed the next level of entertainment provided and will return for more of our events in the future.”
Planning of the event focused on a specific Wildwood theme, with area restaurants donating all of the food. Ten piece band Philly Heart and Soul was selected to perform, which was a step up from previous events at the Post. The Chinese auction focused on baskets targeting downtown, the boardwalk, entertainment and more packed with value that drew an increase in revenue over previous events.
“We are moving in a new direction with both our events and our membership initiatives. We are focusing on organization,” said Weimar. “The goal is to engage our members so our Post can continue serving the community, and offer opportunities for Wildwood residents and visitors to enjoy.”
Next Post 184 will host Comedy Night on July 25th with Eric Potts and Thomas Mongelli, the final Comedy Night will be on August 8th with Mike Eagan and Noah Houlihan, and the Legion Riders Pig Roast will take place on September 7th.
Businesses that donated to the event are thanked for their support, and Post 184 asks the community to visit the businesses to show gratitude for supporting the veterans.
Vegas Diner, Inlet on Olde, Joey M’s La Piazza, Square Peg Round Hole, Little Italy, Goodness on the Go, Ravioli House, Douglass Candies, Wildwood Linen, Romano’s Beach, Original Hot Spot, Shooter’s Old Time Photo, Pop’s Caramel Corn, Original Fudge Kitchen, Shorelines Gift Shop, Roscoe’s Hatchet House, Eddie’s Surf and Supply, Rapunzel’s Gifts, Ed’s Funcade, The Race of Gentlemen, Lucky Bones Backwater Grill, Lazy Eye Distillery, Hooked on Books, Alumni Grill, Duffer’s Ice Cream, Uncle Bill’s Pancake House, MS Brown Jewelers, Total Image Salon, The Yellow Umbrella, Beach Whiskers, Moose’s Zayda Products
July 16, 2019
A Wildwood Summer Benefit Dinner This Saturday, Raising Funds for Post 184
The event menu has been released and band announced
American Legion Post 184 is preparing for a weekend of fundraising and good times with their benefit dinner, A Wildwood Summer. The dinner will be Wildwood themed and will raise funds for much-needed repairs at Post 184. The dinner includes an all-inclusive buffet with food provided by local restaurants, music from Philly Heart and Soul, a Chinese auction, 50-50, and more.
The menu features many different options, including bruschetta from Joey M’s La Piazza, chicken parmesan and grilled chicken from the Inlet on Olde, eggplant parmesan from Duffinetti’s, roast turkey from the Vegas Diner, assorted sides including mashed potatoes, stuffing, and green beans also from the Vegas Diner, and assorted desserts. The menu will grow it up until the event thanks to local restaurants continuing to donate.
Fox Park Sunday Night Concert Series favorite Philly Heart and Soul will perform from 630 PM to 8 PM. Philly Heart and Soul is a band that captures the true essence of music, without the use of backtracks and vocal effects. With each of their performances, Philly Heart and Soul has the crowd up on their feet for a good time. The band comes complete with three front line vocalists, a four piece rhythm section, and a three piece horn section
The event is crucial to the American Legion. While the building is currently operational, there are many large repairs that need to begin this fall including flooring restructuring, electrical panel upgrades, upgrades in lighting and general renovations to common areas such as the hall and restrooms.
Tickets are available online at legion184.eventbrite.com. Advanced tickets are not required but suggested to help the American Legion accurately prepare with food and seating. Tickets are $35 to the general public, $30 for Post 184 members, and tables of eight are available for discounted rates of $240 for the general public, and $210 for Post 184 members. All members of the Post 184 Legion family, including SAL, Auxiliary, and Legion Riders qualify for discounted tickets.
More info legion184.eventbrite.com
July 5, 2019
Philly Heart and Soul to Perform at Post 184 Benefit Dinner
July 20th’s event will raise funds for the building repairs.
WILDWOOD, NJ-Bringing back the sounds oh “old school” true music, ten piece dance band Philly Heart and Soul will perform on July 20th from 5 PM-8 PM at A Wildwood Summer Benefit Dinner at Post 184. The regionally recognized band visits Wildwood yearly for the Fox Park Sunday Concert Series among other events, and now will perform at the Post for a great cause.
Philly Heart and Soul is a band that captures the true essence of music, without the use of backtracks and vocal effects. With each of their performances, Philly Heart and Soul has the crowd up on their feet for a good time. The band comes complete with three front line vocalists, a four piece rhythm section, and a three piece horn section. For years the band has performed around the region, always pleasing the Wildwood crowds. This year, the group will also close out the Wildwood Fox Park Sunday Concert Series with Reign on August 23rd.
A Wildwood Summer Benefit Dinner will raise funds for repairs needed to Post 184. This event is crucial to the American Legion. While the building is currently operational, there are many large repairs that need to begin this fall including flooring restructuring, electrical panel upgrades, upgrades in lighting and general renovations to common areas such as the hall and restrooms.
Tickets to the event are available online for $35, $30 for Post 184 members, or at the Canteen which is open daily. Donations are accepted towards the event online through the ticket link or via check to American Legion Post 184, Memo Building Benefit.
All support from the community of this event is greatly appreciated by the American Legion and it’s members.
June 15, 2019
Post 184 Comedy Nights Tickets Now On Sale, Lineup Announced
The four date event kicks off June 27th
WILDWOOD, NJ-American Legion Post 184 is happy to announce the full schedule of comedians for their Thursday Comedy Nights this summer. The new event will take place every other Thursday, including June 27th, July 11th, July 25th and August 8th. With the help of agency Shore Entertainment Group, Post 184 was able to secure nationally and regionally recognized comedians that have appeared on HBO, A&E, SpikeTV and more, opened for larger acts including Dom Irrera and Gilbert Gottfried, and performed at clubs around the country.
Tickets for all dates are $15 each, and $12 each for Post 184 members. All tickets are available online through Eventbrite (legion184.eventbrite.com), or at the Post to skip ticket processing fees. Comedy Nights are scheduled to be a big hit in town, as area venues booking similar shows have had much success. Post 184 will offer drink specials and snacks during each event, and open one hour prior to the show to provide opportunity for their first come, first serve seating arrangement.
June 27th-Headliner Jimmy Graham, Feature Scott Friedman
July 11th- Headliner Vince Valentine, Feature Mike KC
July 25th-Headliner Eric Potts, Feature Thomas Mongelli
August 8th-Headliner Mike Eagan, Feature Noah Houlihan
More information on the event and comedians can be found online at legion184.org
June 4, 2019
American Legion To Hold Rally Against Agent Orange June 12th
“I Was Killed In Vietnam, I Just Haven’t Died Yet” is the slogan for the rally at the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Wildwood on Wednesday the 12th.
WILDWOOD, NJ-On June 12th at 11 AM, American Legion Post 184 will host the Rally Against Agent Orange at the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Wildwood. The rally is scheduled to be one of the largest yet, with four guest speakers and a focused campaign of “I Was Killed In Vietnam, I Just Haven’t Died Yet.” The slogan is one used by many Vietnam veterans who feel their exposure to the toxic herbicide Agent Orange will ultimately lead to their death.
Agent Orange is responsible for a long list of diseases including cancer and Parkinson's disease, with some ailments also affecting children and grandchildren of veterans through birth defects and disease. In the ten year span of 1961-1971, the US Military sprayed over 20 million gallons of herbicides over Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, with the most deadly being Agent Orange. Used to clear the dense jungle used as cover for warfare, Agent Orange gave the US Military an advantage as it destroyed everything in its path with side effects unknown to the unprotected soldiers that used it.
Through the years Post 184 Commander Harry Weimar and Jr Vice Director of VVA Chapter 955 Mike Kelly have spoken out about these issues. They’re just two people in the very large fight against Agent Orange that has been mostly ignored by the government and the VA. A video to promote the rally was released on Tuesday, with both Weimar and Kelly sharing personal stories of their connections with the herbicide.
“We need more people to help get the word out and help us fight,” said Weimar. “This rally will be the largest we have had yet. It has come to a point where we don’t have much fight left, we were all killed in Vietnam from Agent Orange but we haven’t died yet. We have to do this now.”
The Vietnam veteran members of Post 184 have arranged the rally for the 12th in hopes of spreading awareness. Almost 50 years later, the general public is still mostly uninformed about issues. Mike Kelly states in the video that “there’s been a spike Spina Bifida”, a birth defect where the spine and spinal cord do not form properly, “and it hasn’t gotten out there to the public.”
“There’s gotta be some light shined onto this subject, because the government is just waiting for all of us to die, so then we just shut up and it’s all covered over with sand,” said Kelly.
To participate in the rally, head to the Vietnam Memorial Wall on Wednesday, June 12th at 11 AM located at the corner of Burk and Ocean Avenues in Wildwood. More information will be posted on the Legion website (legion184.org) and Facebook (facebook.com/legion184)
May 30, 2019
Post 184 to Host Benefit Dinner Raising Funds For Building Repairs
American Legion members hope to raise funds to repair the building on July 20th
WILDWOOD, NJ-On July 20th, American Legion Post 184 will host A Wildwood Summer Benefit Dinner. The Wildwood themed event will feature food and raffles from in town businesses, and focus on celebrating summer. All funds from the event benefit the repairs needed on Post 184. Through the years, Post 184 has undergone simple repairs but it is now time for some major upgrades.
A Wildwood Summer Benefit Dinner will open at 5 PM on July 20th. A three course buffet dinner with multiple entree choices will be available, and beer and wine is included with each ticket. Attendees will have the option to win local prizes with the Chinese auction and enter the 50/50. Post 184 is accepting donations for food and raffle items, as well as event sponsorship. More information will be available at legion184.org. Tickets are $35 at the Canteen or from members, and will be available starting June 3rd. All American Legion, Sons of the American Legion, Legion Auxiliary, and Legion Riders of Post 184 will receive a $5 discount on event tickets.
“The Post is a place for veterans and their guests to have a good time,” said Post Commander Harry Weimar. “We host events for the public and private rentals, local organization meetings like the Boy Scouts, and weekly bingo. We use the post all of our community outreach organizing. Because we are in a shore town we have a busy post, but that also means the post takes a hit each year.”
Through the years the American Legion has provided over one million dollars in community efforts, has created a Disaster Relief Task Force for local and national relief, and has donated to community causes for the betterment of Wildwood. It is important for Post 184 to continue to provide a place where veterans can find camaraderie amongst friends and other veterans. The benefit dinner funding the building upgrades is a way to give back to the veterans, after they have given so much to Wildwood. An upgraded post would draw even more guests in the Canteen, create more hall rentals, and bring in more bingo players, raising more funds for all American Legion efforts.
Some of the repairs to the building include electrical panel upgrades, flooring improvements, hall renovations including carpet and ceiling tiles, and bathroom remodeling in the Canteen. Contractors will be consulted in the fall to start the repairs, and any contractor interested should contact the American Legion.
Commander Weimar and other Legion members hope the benefit is a big success to ensure the legacy of the American Legion can continue for many years to come.
May 23, 2019
American Legion Veterans Remind Community Of True Meaning Of The Weekend With PSA Video, Events
Memorial Day Weekend is to honor those lost, not those still living
WILDWOOD-It’s a phrase commonly heard and usually appreciated, but this weekend you won’t want to tell a veteran “thank you for your service.” Memorial Day Weekend is mostly misconstrued as a day to thank veterans for their dedication to our country. American Legion Post 184 has put out a PSA on Facebook from Legion member and Jr. Vice Director of Vietnam Veterans Chapter 955 Mike Kelly on what Memorial Day is all about.
“Memorial Day is just not the unofficial beginning of summer, it’s a day that we reflect upon those that made the ultimate sacrifice,” said Kelly. “It’s not a day to come up to servicemen and say thank you for your service, it’s a day to think about the ones who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.”
Post 184 knows the weekend is mostly celebratory, but the true meaning of Memorial Day is to honor members of the United States Armed Forces that have died during armed conflicts or are still POW MIA. The weekend is to honor the “brothers and sisters” of living veterans that were not as lucky to return home and to honor the father, mother, son, or daughter who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country’s freedom.
“It is OK to celebrate on Memorial Day, because you have that right from our military members we honor this weekend. Weekend celebrations showcase support and patriotism,” said Post Commander Harry Weimar. “But aside from that, please take a minute to reflect and remember, and come out to our ceremonies to show support and respect.”
To honor the lives of those lost this weekend, American Legion Post 184 will host two events on Saturday and one on Monday. Their annual parade will kick off on Saturday, May 25th at 7:30 PM starting at Oak and Pacific Avenue. Anyone interested in participating should join the lineup at 7 PM. The parade goes through town over to the Vietnam Memorial Wall at Ocean and Veterans Way (Burk Avenue) where a candlelight vigil will start at dusk. On Monday at 11 AM, a ceremony will be hosted at the Post with remarks from guest speaker Mayor Ernie Troiano Jr. After the remarks, ceremony attendees will walk to Memory Lane and the Vietnam Memorial Wall for additional moments of recognition.
More details on weekend events can be found online at legion184.org and updates will be posted to the Post Facebook at facebook.com/legion184
May 14, 2019
American Legion to Host Comedy Nights, Searching For Local Talent
Post 184 will feature comedy on four dates this summer and is now accepting talent applications
WILDWOOD-Lots of laughs are coming to American Legion Post 184 in Wildwood this summer with the new addition of Comedy Nights. Comedy Nights will start on June 27th and will continue on July 11th and 25th, and August 8th. After the four week run, the event will be followed by the already announced tour stop of international Scottish comedian, Gary Meikle, on August 31st. The comedy events are just the start to new experiences at Post 184, and are the first to become announced for the summer season.
Post Commander Harry Weimar would like to invite local comics to apply to perform, and hopes the opportunity will be great exposure for Wildwood’s talented residents and visitors. The gig is a paid performance based on ticket sales, includes all marketing, advertising, and sales support by the Post and it’s members.
“This is a great opportunity for comics to get out there,” said Weimar. “We all think we are comedians at the Post so it will be good to bring in some actual talent. Our Post likes to laugh and I think this will be a success.”
Comedy Nights will feature 90 minutes of performances starting at 8 PM for just $15. Doors open one hour early and throughout the evening the Canteen will feature drink specials. The event is open to all and will be discounted for Legion members at $12 per ticket.
Interested talent should email talent@legion184.org for more information, and send a bio, work history, and samples.
More event details and ticket sales will be available through legion184.org and through events on the Legion Facebook page under facebook.com/legion184.
APRIL 28, 2019
International Touring Comedian Gary Meikle to Make Stop in Wildwood this August
Scottish Comedian Gary Meikle will perform a charity show for the Wildwood American Legion
WILDWOOD, NJ-Scottish award winning comedian and international sensation Gary Meikle will make a stop off his US Tour in Wildwood, NJ this August. American Legion Post 184 will host the comedian on August 31st, and all proceeds will be generously donated by Meikle to the veterans group. Meikle is best known for his viral video rants on social media that have drawn over 130 million views in five months. Through the past year, Meikle has traveled through Europe, Spain, and Dubai to using his real life experiences to bring laughs everywhere he goes.
The comedy show announcement is just the start to new entertainment and events at Post 184. Over the summer Post 184 will host weekly themed events, food functions, and comedy nights, of which details are to be released soon. To accommodate the new opportunities, the Post is currently undergoing upgrades with building repairs, hall painting, and more. For Gary Meikle’s show, lighting, sound and room decor will be brought in to create a special venue. Post Commander Harry Weimar knows this is a big step towards future events.
“We are excited to have Gary coming to the Post,” said Commander Harry Weimar. “This is an opportunity for us to have larger events, create more awareness of veteran issues, and bring in much needed donations for the Post building repairs. We want to use the hall as much as possible, for our events or for rentals.”
Not only will Meikle perform at the Post in Wildwood, but his tour does not have another stop in New Jersey. Meikle has also elected not to perform in Philadelphia to ensure the charity show is a big success. The closest area shows are New York, NY, Bethlehem, PA, and Washington, DC. For Meikle, doing a charity show on each tour is important. Just one day before heading to the US, Meikle will perform to benefit the Ronald McDonald House at Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall.
“It is important to give back to communities I visit and that’s something I am very passionate about,” said Meikle. “I found it to be a fantastic idea, just giving back to these guys who have fought hard for their country is very important to me. The organization donates a lot of time, money, and effort back into the local community.”
The event was made possible with the help of Mayor Ernie Troiano Jr. who worked with the Legion and made the phone call to personally invite Meikle to town. For Troiano, an international act such as Meikle could be a big draw for the town as well as a great exposure for the local veterans group.
“Wildwood has had so many great performers through the decades, and this comedian is just adding to that lineup,” said Troiano. “It’ll be a pleasure to host him in Wildwood and bring even more culture into Wildwood.”
Meikle’s performances, clips, and viral videos can be found on his website garymeikle.com and on all social media @meiklecomedy.
Tickets for Meikle’s show in Wildwood are hosted on Eventbrite and can be found at legion184.org/events. The charity show tickets are priced at $35 in advance online or $40 at the door. All proceeds benefit American Legion Post 184. Must be 21 or older to attend, no exceptions.